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As you make your decision about purchasing Long-Term Care insurance [LTCi], consider the topics discussed in these brief summaries and how they relate to you.

Protect Your Hard-Earned Retirement Savings
More and more individuals and families are realizing that one of the biggest threats to their retirement income is if the need for long-term care should arise. As a result, LTCi has become a vital part of overall financial and retirement planning. Ensuring that you are adequately covered allows you to protect your hard-earned retirement savings and assets, providing you with financial stability when you need it most.
Receive Better Quality Care – Where You Want It
When it comes to receiving care, most people prefer to stay in their own home for as long as possible. LTCi provides you with more freedom when deciding where care will be received, paying for equipment and services that allow you to stay in your own home – longer. Furthermore, LTCi not only gives you the freedom to choose where care is received, it also allows you to receive the highest quality care possible by expanding your options to services that might otherwise be too expensive or inaccessible.
Provide Your Loved Ones with Much Needed Peace-of-Mind
The need for long-term care not only affects you, it also affects your family members. Oftentimes it is loved ones who have to coordinate services and manage finances, and in many cases, even become the primary caregiver. LTCi allows individuals to relieve their family of this stress, sparing them a great deal of physical, emotional, and financial strain.
The Cost of Waiting
Consider the following: (1) Premiums for LTCi are based on your age, and as a result will never get lower. (2) The need for care can arise at any age, not just when you are elderly. (3) You are not covered while you wait, leaving you susceptible to loss should the need for care arise. Looking at these factors, one can see that the best time to buy is now! You may need coverage when you least expect it, and coverage you purchase now is coverage you won’t have to buy later at a higher price.